2X2 places pour Gilla Band au Marché Gare à Lyon

Cold Fame et le Marché Gare vous invitent à une nouvelle messe avec Gilla Band (ex Girl Band) ce dimanche 13 novembre, quoi de plus most normal !

Gilla Band invente la techo noise avec leur troisième album most normal qui vient de sortir chez Rough Trade. C’est un peu le cataclysme dans la tête du weirdo irlandais Dara Kiely. Les quatre dublinois viendront secouer le Marché Gare ce dimanche 13 novembre et l’on vous invite à cette soirée apocalyptique en répondant à la question suivante :

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2X2 places pour Gilla Band au Marché Gare à Lyon

Gilla Band – Backwash

It became a muscle, a hustle to be a Jack Russell
Whose head was deaf and once again binged the Big Brother boxset
He knows about self-satisfaction, his nose looks like a toe
And anytime his watch would die, he’d trip over himself
« Hello, » he went to the sink and put Vaseline on a trout
« Hello, » eventually spoke like a wheel on a basking shark
He advises it, revises a bit and too much to be ignored
And then hе saw a wall, a wall, a wall, a wall, a wall, a wall

He wakes up, he hеsitates, and not too confident
And locked in a bedroom, over, under again
In the middle of it all he habitually cut them off
3/16, broke his machine, prepares to be himself
Over-shelved in blank, over-shelved in blank

Over that a cat, a pillar
A knick, a knack, some bloke just there
A prick, a prat, lovely magic
New knees, a stick, a wick
A wig, the lick, a private in-joke
That bloke just spoke a shark attack
New to that

Overthought it, still was excited
Still needs improvement, but that was perfect
Dirty forward, back washed
No one looks cool around a wasp
I can barely tie my shoes, get in a strop
I give dirty looks to people reading books who
Say they don’t watch cartoons or anything that is blue
I think I really like you, try to say something new
I wanna eat your perfume, I wanna be your—

Cat, a pillar
A knick, a knack, some bloke just there
A prick, a prat, lovely magic
New knees, a stick, a wick
A wig, the lick, a private in-joke
That bloke just spoke a shark attack
New to wall, wall, wall, wall

« Hello, hello, » nice to chat while his teeth are falling out
« Hello, » eventually spoke like a wheel on a basking shark
He advises it, revises a bit, and too much to be adored
And then he saw a wall, a wall, a wall, a wall

Gilla Band - Most Normal
Gilla Band - Most Normal
  1. The Gum
  2. Eight Fivers
  3. Backwash
  4. Gushie
  5. Bin Liner Fashion
  6. Capgras
  7. The Weirds
  8. I Was Away
  9. Almost Soon
  10. Red Polo Neck
  11. Pratfall
  12. Post Ryan
Gilla Band en concert

Royal Hospital Kilmainham

Dublin (Ireland)

Dates de concerts fournies par Bandsintown

Lyonnais qui revendique sa mauvaise foi car comme le dit Baudelaire, "Pour être juste, la critique doit être partiale, passionnée, politique...", Davantage Grincheux que Prof si j'étais un des sept nains, j'aime avant tout la sincérité dans n''importe quel genre musical...
1 réponse sur « 2X2 places pour Gilla Band au Marché Gare à Lyon »

Bravo à nos deux gagnants, Christian et José !

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