Shame – Drunk Tank Pink

L'heure de la raison a déjà sonné pour les Shame. Il y a trois ans, ces jeunes anglais débarquaient sans frapper à la porte avec Songs Of Praise, une oeuvre de jeunesse bourrée de bonnes chansons. Avec Drunk Tank Pink, les Shame complexifient leur discours et s'assagissent.

Enregistré à Paris avec l’aide de James Ford (Arctic Monkeys, Foals), Drunk Tank Pink braconne sur les mêmes terres que son prédécesseur. On y entendra du The Fall et du Gang Of Four. Évidemment. Mais Charlie Steen, le chanteur de ce groupe londonien, a reboutonné sa chemise et a arrêté d’hurler comme un doux dingue. Avec Ford, Shame se perd dans un labyrinthe et arrive comme par miracle à trouver une porte de sortie.
On écoutera donc ces Anglais qui auraient dû triompher et qui se retrouvent à faire numériquement la Une des journaux et qui font des concerts imaginaires.

Shame – Waters In The Well

There is something,
In the hills,
Well I hear it lingers,
And I’ve seen it kill,


There is water,
In the well,
I see it flowing on,
For you,

I tried to call you late last night,
I heard you shiver I gave a fright,

Caught in my ways,
This is the last time Acid Dad
Look and I see it,
The new enemy,
I make it heat,
I take it, I take it,

Stiff in the wind,
They’re just a preacher,
Ugh, they’re just a saviour
Look and you’ll see it,
Cause I never could,
This is the last time Acid Dad

I said I’d get it on,
I said I’d get it on,
I get it on, I get it on, I get it on, I get it on,
For you,
Not you,

You took my life before,
You’ll take my life again,
I’m not your lover dear,
You’re just my special, special, special friend,

Please ditch your telephone,
Closed curtains no one’s home,
Detach your internet,
The hills see none of that,

And which way is heaven sir?
We all got lost somehow,
I tried to find myself but I lost the map and now I’m all burnt out,

Crux upon crux,
Lux upon lux,

This is the last time

Caught in my ways,
This is the last time Acid Dad
Look and I see it,
The new enemy,
I make it heat,
I take it, I take it,

Stiff in the wind,
They’re just a preacher,
Ugh, they’re just a saviour
Look and you’ll see it,
Cause I never could,
This is the last time Acid Dad

Shame - Drunk Tank Pink

Drunk Tank Pink de Shame est disponible chez Dead Oceans/PIAS.

Shame - Drunk Tank Pink

Tracklist : Shame - Drunk Tank Pink
  1. Alphabet
  2. Nigel Hitter
  3. Born in Luton
  4. March Day
  5. Water in the Well
  6. Snow Day
  7. Human; for a Minute
  8. Great Dog
  9. 6/1
  10. Harsh Degrees
  11. Station Wagon

Shame en concert


Te Aro (New Zealand)

The Exchange 1856, King Street Social Club, Salt Market Social, Three Tanners Bank & The Engine Room

Tynemouth (United Kingdom)

The Exchange 1856, King Street Social Club, Salt Market Social, Three Tanners Bank & The Engine Room

Tynemouth (United Kingdom)

Alexandra Palace

London (United Kingdom)

Visarno Arena

Firenze (Italy)

Don Valley Bowl

Sheffield (United Kingdom)

Dates de concerts fournies par Bandsintown

Shame – Drunk Tank Pink
Pouet? Tsoin. Évidemment.

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